Automated BI Report Testing
The automated testing solution for validating your Analytics & Business Intelligence Reports

It only takes 1 or 2 people saying, ‘I don’t trust the data,’ to invalidate a report. That can tank a whole project.
The Challenge of Testing Business Intelligence Reports
The use of Business Intelligence (BI) & Analytics is growing rapidly. But the validation and testing of data in these systems is challenging. The typical approach is to validate data on the reports to the data in the data store. Many BI reports make use of Flash and other technologies that create problems for traditional test automation. And most BI tools manipulate the source data, which makes it even harder to manually test.
Therefore the testing process becomes a manual one, which increases the workload for testers and making it prone to mistakes.
The Solution: QuerySurge BI Tester add-on
QuerySurge’s BI Tester add-on provides a successful approach to solving the problem of testing the data embedded in these BI tools.
QuerySurge is a fully automated end-to-end solution for testing from data sources (databases, flat files, xml, Excel, json, etc.) through the Big Data lake to the Data Warehouse/Data Mart to the BI and Analytics reports.

Business Intelligence Report Testing
Support for More BI Vendors
QuerySurge’s latest release of the BI Tester Add-On now provides connectors for the following vendors:
- Microsoft Power BI
- IBM Cognos
- Tableau
- SAP Business Objects
- Microstrategy
- Oracle OBIEE
BI Tester supports:
- Business validation of your reports
- Full regression testing of your BI data
- Migration testing from one BI vendor to another
- Upgrade testing from one version to another
- Comparison of reports between 2 servers
- Passing of parameters to a report
- Querying of report metadata

More Vendor Support Coming Soon
The QuerySurge team is currently working on including even more BI vendors into our BI Tester add-on, so stay tuned.
QuerySurge will help you:
- Leverage artificial intelligence to quickly & easily increase test coverage
- Continuously detect data issues in the delivery pipeline
- Utilize analytics to optimize your critical data
- Improve your data quality at speed
- Provide a huge ROI
But don’t believe us (or our clients). Try it for yourself.
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