Available JDBC Drivers
Downloadable drivers available from vendors

QuerySurge and JDBC Drivers
QuerySurge supports 200+ data stores either as source or target. Below are drivers that are readily available on vendor sites.
QuerySurge partners with CData to provide our customers with high performance drivers that extend QuerySurge’s range, in terms of the number of different technologies that can be tested. This enables QuerySurge to be the only data testing solution your organization will need. To see the full list of data stores that QuerySurge supports, visit here ⇒
To download one of the drivers below, click on the “+” symbol.
- Amazon Athena
- Amazon Aurora for MySQL
- Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive
- Amazon Redshift
- Apache Hive
- Apache Drill
- Azure SQL Database connector
- Azure Synapse Analytics
- Cassandra
- Cloudera (Hive)
- Cloudera (Impala)
- Databricks
- Dremio
- Exasol
- Flat Files (CSV, TSV, Fixed Width)
- Google BigQuery
- Hortonworks Hadoop Hive
- IBM BigInsights
- IBM PDA (Netezza)
- JSON File
- MariaDB
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft SQL Server
- MongoDB BI Connector
- Oracle
- Pivotal Greenplum Database
- PostgreSQL
- SAP Sybase ASE
- SAP Sybase IQ
- Snowflake
- Spark SQL
- Teradata
- Vertica
Amazon Athena
Download the driver from here: Using Athena with the JDBC driver
Knowledge Base Resources
Amazon Aurora for MySQL
Download the driver from here: Amazon Web Services (AWS) JDBC Driver for MySQL
Amazon EMR Hadoop Hive
Download the driver from here: EMR Bootstrap Actions
Apache Hive
Apache Hive is included with QuerySurge and can be deployed from the QuerySurge Installer’s Bundled Driver section.
Knowledge Base Resources
Setting Up a Hive Connection with Kerberos using Apache JDBC Drivers (Windows)
Apache Drill
Download the driver from here: Getting the Drill JDBC Driver
Knowledge Base Resources
Azure SQL Database connector
Download the driver from here: Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
Knowledge Base Resources
Azure Synapse Analytics
Download the driver from here: Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
Knowledge Base Resources
Download the driver from here: Apache Cassandra (DataStax Enterprise)
Cloudera (Hive)
Cloudera (Hive) is included with QuerySurge and can be deployed from the QuerySurge Installer’s Bundled Driver section.
Knowledge Base Resources
Configuring Connections: Cloudera with the Cloudera JDBC Drivers
Cloudera (Impala)
Download the driver from here: Impala JDBC Connector for Cloudera Enterprise
Download the driver from here: JDBC Driver for Apache Arrow Flight SQL
Knowledge Base Resources
QuerySurge and Dremio - Installation and Connection Configuration
Download the driver from here: Exasol Downloads
Flat Files (CSV, TSV, Fixed Width)
Flat Files are included with QuerySurge and can be deployed from the QuerySurge Installer’s Bundled Driver section.
Knowledge Base Resources
Hortonworks Hadoop Hive
Hortonworks Hadoop Hive is included with QuerySurge and can be deployed from the QuerySurge Installer’s Bundled Driver section.
Knowledge Base Resources
IBM BigInsights
Download the driver from here: JDBC drivers for predefined data connectors
Download the driver from here: DB2 JDBC Driver Versions and Downloads
Knowledge Base Resources
IBM PDA (Netezza)
Knowledge Base Resources
Configuring Connections: IBM PureData System for Analysis (Netezza)
Download the driver from here: About MariaDB Connector/J
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is included with QuerySurge and can be deployed from the QuerySurge Installer’s Bundled Driver section.
Knowledge Base Resources
Configuring Connections: Microsoft Excel via the QuerySurge JDBC Driver for Excel
Microsoft SQL Server
Download the driver from here: Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
Knowledge Base Resources
MongoDB BI Connector
Download the driver from here: MongoDB Java Driver
Knowledge Base Resources
Connecting QuerySurge to MongoDB with the CData MongoDB JDBC Driver
Configuring Connections: UnityJDBC for MongoDB
Configuring Connections: MongoDB Connector for BI
Download the driver from here: MySQL Community Downloads
Download the driver from here: Oracle Database JDBC driver and Companion Jars Downloads
Knowledge Base Resources
Pivotal Greenplum Database
Download the driver from here: DataDirect JDBC Driver for VMware Tanzu Greenplum
SAP Sybase ASE
Download the driver from here: jTDS - SQL Server and Sybase JDBC driver Files
Knowledge Base Resources
SAP Sybase IQ
Download the driver from here: SAP Trials and Downloads
Knowledge Base Resources
Connecting QuerySurge to SAP IQ with the jConnect JDBC Driver
Download the driver from here: Downloading / Integrating the JDBC Driver
Knowledge Base Resources
Spark SQL
Download the driver from here: Spark JDBC Drivers