QuerySurge Partner Portal

Designed to help your team with everything you need to know to succeed with QuerySurge

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Hello current & future QuerySurge Partners,

Welcome to the Partner Content Portal information center! Below are key features that make it easy for you and your team to learn, sell or implement QuerySurge quicker than ever.

The portal is free and available to all employees of our partners (click here to see if your company is a Querysurge partner). Sign up for the portal on the right of this page. Please make sure to use your corporate email address.


Eric Smyth
Eric Smyth

Director, Partner Alliances
The QuerySurge Team

Partner Success Overview

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The Partner Success Guide is designed to provide you with a path to become a successful QuerySurge partner. It encompasses training and enablement, prospecting and marketing, and pre-sales and delivery of services.

Step 1 — Get Trained


Getting resources up to speed in QuerySurge is easier than ever. The new Recommended Training section of the Content Portal outlines 5 steps to go from a new QuerySurge user to a certified practitioner in 5 easy steps.

Step 2 — Get Certified

Cert all badges

Showcase your organization’s expertise by becoming QuerySurge Certified. QuerySurge offers the foremost comprehensive self-paced training courses around automated data validation and ETL testing in the industry. Our professional certifications, along with digital badges, provide secure, verifiable evidence of skills and expertise that can be easily shared. Certification exam registration is free for partners. Learn more ⇒

Step 3 — Go-To-Market

Statistical analysis

The new Go-To-Market section of our portal contains all the information needed to engage your customers around data testing services. This section contains website recommendations, prospect analysis statistics, prospecting email templates, and more.

Step 4 — Software Sales

Software sales

This section contains the necessary content to engage your customers. It includes how to register an opportunity, slide deck templates, pre-recorded demonstrations, pricing details and more.

Step 5 — Delivery of Consulting Services

Delivery consulting services

Congratulations! You won the business. Now what? Take a look at our Delivery of Services section. It includes POC workflows, project setup guides, and project sizing templates. It contains everything you may need to start your engagement.