4-Part Test Guild/QuerySurge Webinar Series:
Testing for Quality
in a Data & Analytics World

“Poor data quality costs organizations $14 million annually”
“79% of organizations have more than 100 data sources”
“Without clean data, your data science is worthless.”
QuerySurge automates the data validation and ETL testing of Big Data, Data Warehouses, BI Reports & Enterprise Apps with full DevOps functionality for continuous testing.
Watch the sessions of the QuerySurge team’s event to learn about the current state of testing for data quality in the modern Data & Analytics world. If you missed the QuerySurge and TestGuild event, or would like to review the sessions again, you can find the recordings and presentations below!
Below are the webinars in the current series. We recommend viewing all 4 for the complete picture, but you can view them separately or in any combination you choose.
DevOps for Data Testing
Chris Thompson and Mike Calabrese, Senior Solution Architects and QuerySurge experts, provide great information, a demo and lots of humor in this webinar on how to implement DevOps for Data in your DataOps pipeline.
Free Self-Paced Training & Certification Walkthrough
Eric Smyth, Director of Global Alliances, provides a walkthrough or QuerySurge’s free self-paced training and certification portal. The portal includes go-to-market content for partners along with 5 certifications in the data validation and testing space.
Creating a Project Plan for Data Warehouse Testing Assignment
Chris Thompson and Mike Calabrese, provide great information, and a demo in this webinar on how to create a test plan for a data warehouse testing assignment.
Roundtable discussion on experiences performing ETL testing
Listen in on our roundtable of experts discussing their experiences performing data validation & ETL testing, along with their predictions on the future of data testing.