What's New in QuerySurge 6.3

Our new release provides great new features, including full text search, a more robust Excel driver, staging table indexes, improved security, and more!

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Our 6.3 releases provide great new features. Here are the top 6:

Full Text Search

Search your assets, such as your QueryPairs, Reusable Snippets and Staging Queries for key phrases in your SQL.

More can be found here»

Qs mailer text search
Qs mailer excel jdbc

New Excel JDBC Driver

QuerySurge now comes with its own JDBC-compliant driver for Microsoft Excel files. This driver supports .xlsx and .xls files and can be run on Windows and Linux. The new driver provides a robust SQL syntax to query your Excel sheets.

More can be found here»

Index your Staging Table

Indexes can be added to all staging tables to enhance performance on when querying data.

More can be found here»

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Qs features latest security

The Latest Security

    Support for LDAPS (Secure LDAP) authentication is now part of QuerySurge.
  • TLS support
    QuerySurge now supports TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 for HTTP communications between QuerySurge components. For organizations that need to implement secure communications between the QuerySurge App server, QuerySurge Agents and QuerySurge command-line API components.

More can be found on LDAPS here»

More can be found on TLS support here»

Extended SAP BusinessObjects Support

Extended BI Tester add-on support allows more granular extraction from BusinessObjects. This includes extracting data from a specified report element.

More can be found here»

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QueryPair Timeline Graph

Access the same query performance graph for your scheduled runs as you have in your design-time.

More can be found here»

If you are an existing customer, you can download the 6.3 version of QuerySurge here ⇒

To try the latest version of QuerySurge, try it free here ⇒